Here's a little sampling of what I hope to
find under the tree this Christmas.
Who says you have to grow up?
*Just in case you want any of these lovelies for yourself or any of
my wonderful friends or family stumble upon this post,
I made it so you can click on the images to find out where to purchase!*
I've heard this series is awesome. How could it not be with that box design?
I refuse to give up my real books but a Kindle is awesome
for proofing your own work and for those times when you
need to read a book and can't wait to go to the store.
Wait, that mightbe a bad thing...
*Please provide a very large amout gift card if you purchase this item*
Harry Potter mug set. Need I say more?
So I can proudly display my love of The Hunger Games.
Even at the grocery store.
Of course, I already own all the Harry Potter books but I've drooled
over the complete hardcover box set since the last book came out.
I. Must. Own. This.
Where else would I store my vervain?
Because every mom should have a cool bag to carry around all their
uncool stuff like diaper cream and crushed cheerios in.
What are you hoping to find under your tree?