Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Recommendations on YA Fantasy

I've been fortunate to have read some killer YA Fantasy and fiction in general but I'd love to know what you guys suggest. It can be old or new, just make sure it's for teens and ideally fantasy. I have a list of books ready to read but I'm trying to put together a list of books I want to read in the future.



JennM said...

Well I recommend "Shiver" for sure!! I think I may read it again before I pass it along to you though :-)

Unknown said...

I'm reading Libyrinth right now--it's unusual.

One of my favs, though, is The Hero and the Crown by McKinley

Anonymous said...

I've heard some great things about the Lightning Thief, and I believe that's a trilogy?

I also saw some previews for the movie they are composing on those books, so I think I may pick them up myself to see how well they capture it.

XiXi said...

I recommend anything by Robin McKinley. A particular favorite of mine is Rose Daughter, but Spinner's End is also quite excellent. She does fairytale retellings, and I love my fairytales like I love my gummy bears.

If you're looking for something abstract, I'm reading UnLunDun by China Mieville (I know; finally getting around to it), and it's very good. Kind of like a steampunk Narnia with a dash of Neil Gaiman.

Lin Wang said...

Read Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. The best urban fantasy trilogy for young adults I ever read! I wrote about it briefly on my blog chain post about favorite books.

Rebecca L Sutton said...

Thanks for the suggestions ladies! I am praying I can find some of them and more this weekend on my NYC adventure.