Friday, June 5, 2009

Risk taking, third reads and Katniss

Let's start with the risk taking...
I won't go into detail on what exactly I did since I wouldn't advise others to do it- it's not exactly following the rules of the publishing world. Hmm, don't get too curious, it's not THAT exciting. The point is, I took a risk and it paid off. Nothing life changing but I still managed to get a third read of my partial out of it.

Third reads...
As I just explained I took a risk and got the chance for a third read of my partial. Wait for it. By the same agent. (a really respected awesome agent I might add) All three times. How nuts is that? And how much do I love her for giving me a third chance to see if this new set of revisions work for her? Her first read of the partial, she said she didn't connect with one aspect of the story. I revised. She said it was MUCH (she too used caps) better but still didn't like that one aspect of the MC because she didn't see how it went with the rest of the story. When the agent she suggested I contact rejected my partial I really started thinking and decided taking this one element from my MC really did make sense and could work. So right now I'm working on this major revision, knowing I can submit it for the third time in a month or two. I know my chances aren't so hot considering all this but a chance is a chance in my book. I've got nothing to lose at this point!

Yes, I FINALLY started The Hunger Games last night! I am overjoyed with the fact that I had to force myself to put it away and go to bed! I've just started and already I can see the hype is true. Yay, a new book that makes me lose sleep, and keeps me in my pajamas all day because I'd rather read then shower.

*One extra note
I've decided to finally give this new character, who's been harassing me daily, a chance. I started working on my next book using a seventeen-year-old boy as my MC, who also happens to want to tell his story. Yeah, so I am taking on the task of writing as a teenage male. And just to prove I'm serious about it, I posted on a forum seeking a male critique partner/beta reader so I can ensure my voice sounds like a 17 yr old guy. This is going to be a lot of fun! Update: I already had someone contact me on working together, wanting me to be a female perspective for his book in return! I'll post soon with the summary of this book, good stuff.

And to to think I was considering taking some time off...that will just have to wait!


~Jamie said...

psh... who needs time off when you are a crazy risk taker?? hehehehe

Unknown said...

Yup, what Jamie said! :)


Oooh, I, too, have taken on the seventeen-year-old male MC ... and instead of being terrified, I'm really freaking excited. I get to step out of my overly melodramatic female mind for a minute and write like a dude. Or at least like a dude would think.

How fun is that?

I posted a blog awhile back kind of freaking out about it, but I'm over that part. Now, I'm just rolling with it.

Good luck with your guy! :)

XiXi said...

Hey! My second novel has a male as the main character too, and I am very concerned I won't be able to pull it off. One project at a time, obviously, but when the time comes, I may do as you are and try to find a male beta. Good thinking. :-)

Good luck on your third submission.

Crystal Corona said...

Becky I am so happy for you and cant wait to talk to you about it on the phone!!!